Recent Survey Results: How York County, SC Industries are Handling Safety Amidst Virus

A recent survey completed by York County companies revealed how industries are handling the safety of their employees’ amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to allow companies to collaborate and share how they have been handling processes within their facilities during the pandemic, the survey was distributed to over 40 manufacturing and distribution companies in York County prior to a recent (virtual) Safety Council meeting.
The York County Safety Council, formed in 2010, began as a partnership between York County Economic Development (YCED) and the South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP).
In keeping with the reality of today’s challenges, the Safety Council’s subject matter appropriately shifted gears, this time focusing on the new routines and day to day operations necessary to best keep employees heathy amidst the pandemic.
Below, we have summarized the response based on the feedback provided for each given question.
- Nearly 80% of industries shared they had established a new COVID-19 policy and/or incorporated one into their existing healthcare program. With strong safety measures seen throughout the survey, a majority of industries used tactics such as marking the floor in regards to distance from one another, one way walking routes, limiting the number of individuals in break room areas, mandating masks, as well as utilizing electronic reminders and signage to assist in the upkeep of healthy practices. A little over 40% were also using advanced technologies such as anti-microbial sprays and fogging or air purifying devices.
- Topping the responses to active prevention methods, more than 90% are taking or requesting daily temperature checks. Of those temperature checks, 30% are asking their employees to self-test at home rather than in-facility.
- Nearly 90% of employers are sending employees home if they exhibit potential COVID-19 symptoms, as well as asking that they quarantine. In addition, most employers were either providing testing resources or asking their employees to be tested at sites convenient to them.
- Among suspected or positive cases, a majority of industries were either sending employees’ home with pay and / or a combination of pay and designated sick leave, leaving a little under 3% of employees having to quarantine without pay. Additionally, nearly 60% of industries were paying employees forced to quarantine due to a family member being affected by the virus.
- Whereas 72% said they are allowing visitors to enter their facility, albeit mostly selective and on a case by case basis, only 30% of employees are being allowed to travel for business.
- 70% of those that responded to the question said they have had at least one employee test positive thus far, and nearly 60% of industries said they were performing additional audits and work place risk assessments due to the virus.
Unsurprisingly, of these manufacturing and distribution companies, 10% or less have employees working remotely.
Find this survey interesting? Want to learn more about the York County Safety Council or have an interest in joining? Click here for more information.