York County Tourism, Economic Development, Chamber to launch Unified Destination Brand

Contact: Mallory Snyder
VP Communications & Marketing, Visit York County
msnyder@visityorkcounty.com | 803-487-5702
Contact: Caroline Floyd
Marketing Director, York County Economic Development
caroline.floyd@yorkcountygov.com | 803.802.5760
Contact: Colleen Dick
Senior Vice President, York County Regional Chamber
colleen.dick@yorkcountychamber.com | (803) 324-7500
YORK COUNTY, SC, August 17, 2023—Visit York County, York County Economic Development, and the York County Regional Chamber Foundation will establish a unified destination brand that resonates with visitors, industries, residents, and employers. The aligned marketing approach aims to maximize resources and elevate the county’s appeal while forwarding the strategic priorities of each organization.
“This area is transforming unlike ever before and we must continue to evolve to remain competitive,” said Andy Clinton, President and CEO of Visit York County. “Siloed external marketing produces varying interpretations of what our community has to offer. This unified brand will increase engagement with those looking to visit, invest, relocate, work, or start a business in York County.”
The project will not involve changes to logos or organizational structures. Rather, it will focus on equipping each organization and its stakeholders with the messaging and resources to effectively reach target audiences.
The unified destination brand comes as a result of both Visit York County and York County Economic Development’s strategic plans.
“This project is a product of York County Economic Development’s strategic plan, and we could not be more excited to see it come to fruition,” said David Swenson, Director of York County Economic Development. “When we can align a strong message with a solid brand with multiple highly productive groups, we will better maximize resources, expertise and collective results to benefit the entire county and even the region.”
The six-month process will incorporate new and existing feedback from community leaders and local stakeholders. A marketing and advertising agency based out of Greenville, South Carolina will facilitate the project.
“This unified brand will equip local employers with the tools to recruit skilled workers to this area,” said Dean Faile, President and CEO of the York County Regional Chamber. “Through this collaborative process, we will work to ensure each distinct municipality of York County is represented.”
Communities with joint economic development, tourism, and chamber marketing models include Tulsa, OK, Birmingham, AL, Columbus, OH, and Wake County, NC.
Equal financial contributions for the project were provided by Visit York County, York County Economic Development Growth Partners, the York County Regional Chamber Foundation, and Visit York County’s Partners in Tourism Foundation.
About Visit York County:
As the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for York County, South Carolina, Visit York County exists to raise the profile and boost the economy of York County through tourism and destination marketing while also contributing to the quality of life for residents. For additional information, visit www.VisitYorkCounty.com.
About York County Economic Development:
York County Economic Development (YCED) is the lead organization responsible for recruiting businesses, retaining and growing existing firms, and promoting and marketing York County. YCED also assists in strategic initiatives across York County that are focused on product development, workforce development, infrastructure improvements, and quality of life.
About York County Regional Chamber:
The York County Regional Chamber (YCRC) is the connection between your business and our diverse and growing community. We provide resources, advocacy, relationships, and programs to help you capitalize on our region’s strengths. As the largest chamber in our SC region, we work in partnership with nearly 800 businesses and organizations from Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Tega Cay, and York. We are CACCE accredited, and powered by a professional staff and a strong, diverse volunteer leadership team.
For more: Straight Talk (RADIO) - August 17, 2023 Episode: Aired at 1:05 PM